Creating change in life or business can trigger new and old fears, unleash our fear of the unknown, push personal buttons, raise resistance, increase anxiety and stress causing us to stop ourselves from achieving our desired results.
Combining my background in Change Management, Spiritual Intelligence and Art, together with your experience, knowledge, thoughts, feelings and intuition, we lead you on a journey of self discovery that connects you with the truth of where you really want to lead yourself in that next chapter, enables clarity around the results you want to create, and gives rise to a simple, easy to use blueprint for future plans and decision making. You can ‘let go’ of the confusion and tension, immerse yourself in the process while I lead you through the key pillars of change you need in order to create the next chapter with confidence and clarity.
Single 90 minute session is $150
One Day or two day private retreats by arrangement.
Away Days for Management Teams available.