Hello and welcome!

The work as Spiritwalker is to lead, encourage and embrace you into the world of light, working with the sacred ancestors to assist, guide and enable you to remember your own sacred being.

I have been teaching, working and guiding individuals through the gates of change for over 23 years, and am still deeply and profoundly honoured to be part of that often challenging and life changing process.

Working with Sacred Ancestors is a privilege and a way to enable you to deeply reconnect with your own sense of truth, to learn to embrace the pure power of love and bring your own light and power into is full ecology.


I believe, we are each here for a specific reason and together we commit to a journey that may be a few quiet conversations or a life long relationship that enables you to find the answers you seek, at each and every changing chapter.


If you would like to book a ‘reading’ or initial consultation please reachout.

There are packages for all budgets and the workshops are there for you to immerse and deep dive into your own work with spirit and source.


I look forward to seeing you soon – let the journey to love begin.

Love and bless




Connect now

+64 21 257 9249
